Prep Week – Cleaning Up Some Counter-Productive Behaviours

Toothed gear engraved with "commitment" This week is prep week – just flooding my body with nutrition and cleaning up my behaviours.

I don’t know about you – but I know I have developed some counter-productive behaviours that are not enhancing my health and happiness.

I’m grateful to say that I haven’t smoked since 1991, but staying up too late, grazing and grabbing handfuls of whatever (even if it’s healthy whatever) every time I open the fridge are all habits that have led me to where I currently am – bloated, uncomfortable and not at the energy level I want to be at.

Every time I talk with my integrative nutritionist, we both end up writing SLEEP in all caps and surrounded by various shapes of lines in our notes. Still, the bad habits persist. I stay up too late, and then I get into food I shouldn’t be eating because I’m tired. Does that sound familiar to you?

This week, I’m making a commitment to get at least 6.5 hours of sleep every night (how pathetic is that? not even 7!), and to mindful eating that will help me curb the grazing.

I hope you will travel this road with me – if this sounds like something you would like to do with me, give me a shout, or even better, schedule a quick call or meeting with me. I’d love your company!


One thought on “Prep Week – Cleaning Up Some Counter-Productive Behaviours

  1. Y says:

    Half and hour’s siesta on top of 6-61/2 hours sleep at night do it for me. I try to keep the bad foods out of the house, but other inhabitants sometimes make it difficult!

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